Albert Mignone 1997

Great Comebacks<sup>®</sup> Award Recipient - Canada

Twelve years after receiving his award, Albert Mignone continues to exemplify the “come back, give back” spirit of Great Comebacks.

In addition to kicking up his heels and traveling the globe with his wife, Linda, Albert has remained focused on helping others, going so far as to establish a school for underprivileged youths.

Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 1983, Albert, 66, underwent ostomy surgery in 1994. Feeling as if a weight had been lifted, he returned to the activities he loved – playing golf, swimming, hiking and socializing with friends – without worrying about finding the nearest restroom.

“Having an ostomy has allowed me to fully enjoy life,” said Albert. “Since my surgery, nothing holds me back from living a positive and passionate life.”

Albert has remained active since retiring as executive director of the Connecticut Heart Group in 2001. Along with five local business men, he founded St. Martin dePorres Academy, an independent, tuition-free Catholic middle school, to provide inner city students with a better education through smaller classrooms and academic tutoring. Albert currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors and regularly leads fund-raising efforts.

“Since my surgery, nothing holds me back from living a positive and passionate life.”

Albert, of Middletown, CT, also enjoys participating in his local ostomy support group and traveling. This past summer, Albert and Linda embarked on a three week, 4,068-mile road trip exploring the United States National Parks. “Having an ostomy has allowed me to fully enjoy life,” said Albert. “Since my surgery, nothing holds me back from living a positive and passionate life.”

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